Can You Carry a Passenger on an Electric Scooter?

Can You Carry a Passenger on an Electric Scooter?

Riding an electric scooter can be super fun, especially if you share the experience with a friend or partner. It’s like cruising around town on your mini adventure! However, it’s important to know that electric scooters are typically designed for just one rider. Some companies do make scooters that can fit two people, but they’re…

How Fast Do Electric Scooters Go?

How Fast Do Electric Scooters Go?

Many people curious about electric scooters often wonder about their speed, especially if they plan to use one regularly. However, determining the exact speed of an electric scooter isn’t straightforward, as it depends on various factors. In this article, we’ll delve into how fast do electric scooters go, key factors influencing electric scooter speed, and…