How to Carry Electric Scooters? Complete Guide

How to Carry Electric Scooters?

Transporting an electric scooter might seem tricky, but fear not! We’re here to make it easy for you. Our comprehensive guide will walk you through the best techniques and tools for carrying your electric scooter without any hassle. From different methods to handy accessories, we’ve got everything covered to ensure your scooter travels safely and smoothly. So, let’s dive into how to carry electric scooters.

Factors to Consider Before Carrying an Electric Scooter

Before you pick up your electric scooter, there are a few important things to think about. Let’s dive into the key factors you should consider before heading out with your scooter.

Weight of the Electric Scooter

The weight of an electric scooter matters a lot. Scooters can weigh anywhere from 10 to 30 kilograms. If your scooter is too heavy, it can be tough to carry, especially for long distances. So, it’s crucial to choose a scooter weight that you’re comfortable with carrying around.

Size of the Electric Scooter

The size of the scooter is another important factor. Larger scooters can be harder to maneuver, especially in crowded places. Plus, storing or transporting a big scooter in tight spaces can be a challenge. So, consider the dimensions of your scooter to ensure it fits your mobility needs.


Your safety is paramount. Before carrying your scooter, make sure you’re physically able to do so safely. If you have back or knee issues, opting for a lighter and more compact scooter might be a better choice. Carrying a heavy scooter can strain your body and increase the risk of injury, so always prioritize your safety.

Lifting Techniques

Using the right lifting techniques is essential for avoiding injuries. Remember to lift with your legs, not your back, to reduce strain. Maintain a proper stance and posture while lifting and carrying your scooter to prevent accidents and discomfort.

How to Carry Electric Scooters?

Fold and Carry

Most electric scooters are designed to fold, making them super convenient to transport. Before folding, turn off your scooter and retract the kickstand. Follow these steps:

  1. Find the folding latch and unlock it.
  2. Hold the handlebars and fold the stem towards the deck.
  3. Lock the folding latch to keep the scooter in place.

Now, you can easily carry the scooter using the handle usually located near the rear wheel.

Use a Carrying Strap

A carrying strap is a handy accessory that makes carrying your electric scooter much more comfortable. Simply attach the strap to the handlebars and the rear wheel, adjusting its length as needed. With the strap on your shoulder, transporting your scooter becomes a breeze.

Get a Carrying Bag

If you’re frequently on the go with your electric scooter, consider investing in a carrying bag. These bags come in various sizes to fit almost any scooter model. They not only offer protection against scratches but also make carrying your folded scooter incredibly easy using the built-in handles.

Use a Trolley or Cart

For longer journeys or heavy scooters, a trolley or cart can be a lifesaver. These compact wheeled carts let you move your folded scooter effortlessly without straining your arms. Just fold your scooter, place it on the cart, and roll it along to your destination with ease. You should also know how to lubricate electric scooters.

Carrying Electric Scooter with One Hand

Carrying your electric scooter with one hand requires good balance and arm strength, which works well for lighter scooters.

The scooter’s design should be lightweight and balanced, ensuring even weight distribution to prevent tipping. A sturdy handle adds reliability to this method.


  • Allows freedom of movement, on the other hand, offering flexibility on the go.
  • Can be more comfortable with a lightweight scooter compared to using both hands.


  • Can become cumbersome, especially over long distances.
  • Balancing the scooter while carrying requires extra strength and focus.

Carrying Electric Scooter with Two Hands

This method provides stability and control over weight and balance, making it a popular choice for transporting electric scooters.

Scooters should be strong yet not too heavy, with grips designed for firm holding.


  • Offers greater control over weight and balance for safer movement.
  • Supports heavier scooters, providing flexibility in choosing the right one.


  • Requires strength in the arms and hands.
  • Difficult to carry additional items while holding the scooter.

Carrying Electric Scooter on the Shoulder

Carrying the scooter on your shoulder is useful for longer distances or navigating crowded areas where riding isn’t feasible.

Lightweight and collapsible scooters are best, possibly with a special carrying strap for even weight distribution.


  • Leaves hands free for other items.
  • Helps maneuver through tight spaces or crowded areas.


  • Can be tiresome, especially with heavier scooters or over long distances.
  • May lead to tension and fatigue, potentially causing injuries if not done carefully.

Using an Electric Scooter Carrying Bag

Carrying bags provide convenience and protection during transportation, making it easier to transport scooters over longer distances or in unsuitable areas.

Foldable and lightweight scooters are best suited for carrying bags, ensuring practicality and ease of use.


  • Offers protection against scratches and damage during transportation.
  • Reduces stress on the arms and back, enhancing comfort during carrying.


  • Large or heavy bags may be challenging to carry for some individuals.
  • Some bags may be impractical in crowded environments.

No matter how you transport your electric scooter, always handle it with care. Avoid lifting it solely by the handlebars to prevent damage to the internal components. Also, be mindful not to swing or sway the scooter excessively while carrying it to avoid accidents. Your scooter will thank you for the gentle treatment!

How Electric Scooter Designs Affect Carrying?

Electric scooters come in various designs, and each design influences how they’re carried. Let’s explore the impact of the two main designs: foldable and non-foldable scooters.

Foldable Electric Scooters:

These scooters are designed with a folding mechanism, making them compact for easy transportation and storage. Typically weighing between 12 to 20 kilograms, they’re relatively lightweight, perfect for short-distance portability. When carrying a foldable scooter, ensure it’s properly folded and locked securely for safety. Also, find a comfortable grip position to avoid strain on your hands.

Non-Folding Electric Scooters:

Unlike foldable scooters, non-folding ones are more robust and stable. They often boast advanced features like hydraulic braking systems, enhanced lighting, and high-capacity batteries. However, they tend to be heavier, sometimes exceeding 30 kilograms, making manual transportation less practical.

When carrying a non-folding scooter, it’s crucial to use proper lifting techniques to prevent injuries. Remember to lift with your legs, not your back, and maintain balance throughout the process. These scooters may require more effort to carry, but their sturdy build and advanced features make them a popular choice for many riders.


In conclusion, mastering the art of carrying an electric scooter is all about finding the method that suits you best. Whether it’s using one hand, or two hands, carrying on the shoulder, or opting for a carrying bag, prioritizing comfort, safety, and ease of transportation is key. With the right approach, you can enjoy hassle-free journeys with your electric scooter wherever you go.


While some people may attempt to use a backpack for carrying their electric scooter, it’s generally not recommended. Backpacks are not designed to bear the weight and bulk of a scooter, and doing so may cause discomfort or strain on your back. It’s best to use methods specifically designed for scooter transportation, such as carrying straps or bags.

Regulations regarding carrying electric scooters on public transportation vary depending on your location and the transportation provider. It’s important to check with the relevant authorities or the transportation company to understand their policies regarding the carriage of electric scooters. Some may require scooters to be folded and stored in designated areas, while others may have specific size or weight limitations.

Carrying electric scooters up and down stairs can be risky, especially if the scooter is heavy or if the stairs are steep. It’s essential to use proper lifting techniques and take your time to avoid accidents or injuries. If possible, consider using ramps or elevators instead of stairs for easier transportation.

Modifying your electric scooter for easier transportation may be possible, but it’s essential to do so carefully and within the manufacturer’s guidelines. Adding accessories such as carrying handles or straps designed specifically for your scooter model may help make carrying it more convenient. However, any modifications should not compromise the safety or functionality of the scooter.

When carrying an electric scooter in adverse weather conditions such as rain or snow, it’s essential to take extra precautions to protect yourself and the scooter. Consider using waterproof covers or bags to shield the scooter from moisture, and wear appropriate footwear with good traction to prevent slipping. Additionally, be mindful of slippery surfaces and take extra care when navigating through wet or icy areas.

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